The Household insurance is an insurance that combines several classes of insurance in one contract.

The classes of Insurance are: fire, tap water, storm, burglary robbery and broken glass. Personal indemnity insurance is automatically included in every household insurance.

Of course, every household insurance can still be individually adapted to you. Thanks to the many configuration options, we can also insure your entertainment electronics or sports equipment on request.


It all starts with an idea…

And at some point, it begins to become reality – depending on your vision of life – in the form of a beautiful home or apartment. They say “creating lasting values”. Unfortunately, one can quickly be taught better.

With our benefit protection for house and home, you are on the safe side right from the shell construction phase.

“My Home is my castle”,

Whether in the middle of the countryside, directly on the lake, because of the beautiful panorama on the mountain slope, or…

Saving for a house – unless you unexpectedly end up with a large inheritance or a profit of millions – will take a few years. It may only take seconds or minutes to lose it, due to unpredictable dangers such as: fire, lightning, explosion, tap water, pipe smoke or storms and hail.

These are events with dire financial consequences – from extensive repairs to the complete loss of belongings. In addition, a number of additional costs can make the situation more difficult.

Financially, you can protect yourself from unpleasant surprises with our premium-free brickwork insurance as early as the construction phase, where things can go wrong. Our all-round protection package is available to you for the building and the entire contents of the apartment, which is at least as important as having quick, competent help (if you help quickly, you help twice!). That is what we stand for.

On the first floor or on the umpteenth floor

Your home – integrated in a modern residential complex, as a stylish ambience in a quiet villa floor, in the middle of the pedestrian zone or in the countryside … Really at home, you are only at home! Exactly where you feel safe and secure. However, apart from your personal safety:

Do you now have the guarantee that your home is adequately protected?

What you have earned in terms of apartment content over the years consists of mostly valuable furnishings such as furniture, TV sets and audio systems as well as quadrophonic, DVD recorders, clothing, laundry, porcelain, photo, and film cameras including additional equipment, computers, laptops, jewellery and much more. The value of all these items corresponds — depending on the equipment — up to three annual net salaries and could be replaced in the event of damage without appropriate protection only in the long term. Click here for a home evaluation template. You will be amazed at what you have already created.

Homeowner insurance

In order to protect your home properly against various hazards, a good home insurance is essential. The bundling of several classes of insurance and the conclusion of a household insurance offer protection against financial losses in the event of insured damage.

Our tip for home builders: with insurance covering carcass work including principal’s indemnity insurance, you are already well covered during the construction phase.


It can happen to anyone: you accidentally harm someone or damage their property.

With the right indemnity insurance, you can cushion the financial consequences.

We would be happy to discuss with you in person which indemnity you need.


Works of art such as antiques, pictures, sculptures – each of them unique and irretrievable in its own way. This applies not only to the exhibits on display in museums, but also to those in private collections. You may have different opinions about the style, but it is still unique, represents a piece of contemporary history or is an expression of an era.

Art knows no borders. They probably do not know art thieves, either.

Insure art in private and company ownership, exhibitions, museums, galleries, etc.?

Yes, we offer professional security for your private collection of artworks. Wherever the possibilities of household insurance reach the limits of what is feasible, we can not only offer compensation for the amount agreed with you, but also offer a range of services and precautionary measures in addition to the “all risks cover”. For you as an art lover, all of them of practical use. We would be happy to tell you more in a personal conversation.